Day Nineteen: Who Are We Without God?

A healthy view of ourselves is important. If we truly saw ourselves as God sees us, saved sinners , his beloved, his prize, his joy, ours leaps of faith would clear tall buildings. But we see through a glass darkly now, and constantly fog it up all over again with our sin, and our doubts, and our fears. But He loves us all the same.
Part of a healthy view of ourselves is to understand who we are without God. For some this is hypothetical; we can say with Ruth Graham, “I have never known a time in my life when I was not a Christian.” For others it is the painful memory of a wayward son or daughter. Some of us are saved out of sins; some of us were saved from them, but we all needed and still need saved. We need God’s grace and mercy every day, every minute.
And sometimes it is good to take a moment and remember why. Who we would be without the mercy of the God who loved us enough to save us.

No one is good enough on their own Romans 3: 10

We have nothing to give God that He hasn’t given us. I Corinthians 1:27-30

God does not need you. Job 38-42

You are absolutely nothing without God. Psalms 109: 23-26

God is far greater than you can imagine. Time and again, people in the Bible end up flat on their faces in his presence. Jeremiah 1   

God wants to keep you as nothing in your own eyes because He wants everyone to know who gets the glory Psalms 109: 27

Pride is the opposite of power. If you are walking in your pride, you are not walking in His power. James 4: 6

Without God a person is like an branch cut off from its tree. John 15

Next, we will look at who we are with God. Because once God enters the story, the plotline changes!


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