Day Thirteen: Our Objections; God’s Answers

The father of the modern missions’ movement, William Carrey made a very simple, powerful admonition, “Attempt great things for God. Expect great things from God.” In so many ways, serving God and others is nothing more complex than this. Attempt and expect. Sometimes you will mess up. Sometimes you will fail. But expect God to do something in spite of you.
However, people have so many objections about why they cannot be the one to attempt or expect these things from God. This is just a list of some of these, and the truth of God’s Word to move you past your objections into his truth.

 “I’m not smart enough.”
God doesn’t choose the smart. He chooses the willing. I Corinthians 1: 27
God is the source of all wisdom. Go to Him. I Corinthians 2: 5-7

“I’ll mess up.”
So will everyone else! Failure is the one thing that humans can be counted on for, but that shouldn’t stop us from trying.
The one time in history that God needed someone perfect to do something was Calvary, and He had to do that Himself.

“I’m normal.”
Take that word out of your vocabulary! No one is normal. We are all extraordinary and a little insane in our own ways.

“I’m afraid.”
God is your protection and guide and He is not worried. Psalms 2: 1-4
God will not leave you. II Thessalonians 3:3

“I’m too young, old, blonde, boring, jumpy, etc.”
Jeremiah 1
Letting no one despise what makes you unique is the privilege of a believer I Timothy 4:12

It’s too much”
God rarely calls you to something you can do, but He never calls you to something He cannot do. I Thessalonians 5: 24
Nothing is impossible with God! Luke 1: 37 

“I don’t know what to do”
I don’t know what you are supposed to do either, but ask the One who does. Isaiah 45: 11, Jeremiah 33:3


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